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The Institute for Critical Theory depends on financial support in order to fund its diverse projects to promote critical theory, such as the publication of the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism. Donations further go towards the funding of annual conferences, scholarships for students and low-income earners, translations, the book series “Berlin Contributions to Critical Theory”, as well as the feminist section. Furthermore, it is possible to become a fellow of the institute and thereby contribute to the project on an ongoing basis.


Appeal to support the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism


We invite donations to sponsor one or more pages of the HCDM 9/II (Mitleid bis Nazismus). You can sponsor a page by contributing 100 € or 50 € (for low incomes), respectively.


The names of the donors will appear in the table of sponsors of the next upcoming volume, following the foreword, unless you indicate that you don't want to be mentioned. Please let us know if you need a receipt and give an address for this purpose.


Your help is greatly appreciated. The bank transfer information is below. Alternatively, HKWM treasurer Margret Langenberger can debit the amount via your credit card. For further information please contact Margret Langenberger (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Bank transfer

InKriT e. V.

IBAN DE53 6115 0020 0007 4123 09

reference: Sponsor HCDM


Please do not hesitate to contact our treasurer for inquiries.

contact details: Margret Langenberger – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

