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The Feminist Section of InkriT

»The aim of the feminist revolution is the liberation of women from male domination, and thereby the transformation of our society into one based on solidarity«, writes Frigga Haug in her article on the movement and struggle concept, »Marxism-Feminism« (2015). The Feminist Section accompanies the process of the compilation of the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (HCDM) and intervenes in it. It suggests alternative entries and women authors and organizes supplementary chapters for those entries that lack a feminist point of view and perspective, that is, as long as the authors have not yet opened their Marxist thinking to feminist objection. Among its goals is the introduction of Feminism into Marxism and of changing it in this way. At the same time it organizes historical-critical work about women’s history and its integration in the work of the historical-critical dictionary as a whole. The best insight into the achievements of the Feminist Section in connection with the dictionary is the collection of entries already published in the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Feminism (HKWF).


The HKWF takes up the history of feminism, struggles waged there and controversies; it collects (in 3 volumes so far) international debates about the theory and practice of feminist politics.


Abtreibung bis Hexe (abortion to witch)


Hierarchie/Antihierarchie bis Köchin (hierarchy/anti-hierarchy to cook)


Kollektiv bis Liebe (collectiv to love)







